Where is home…
1977 Formosa 51
I live on a classic Ketch built in 1977 by a boat builder name Willam Garden. She restored my belief in love at first sight. She is 51 feet of carefully carved teak and built to last fiberglass.
I decided to move onto a boat, after I met a man that had that had this thrilling idea. We would sell everything that we owned and move onto a boat and travel around the Caribbean searching for treasure. As I say it out load it sounds crazy, but had you have met him you may have also thought it was a fabulous and completely “do-able” plan.
In the end our relationship did not last, but my new found love for a life at sea did. I often tell people the crazy fact is,
“The day I moved onto the boat was the first time I had ever been on a boat in the ocean”
There is a lot of story between my first ocean sailing excursion and the woman I am today. Skipper of my very on “Captain Ron” Ship (no, but really it is the very same model from the movie). It feel like dozens of little triumphs and an equal amount of ginormous blunders have paved the way to this point.
I have sailed all over the world, but not yet around it and is exactly what I plan to do on this boat. After a very thorough refit, that included all new masts and rigging I am confident that she is in ship shape and ready for the challenge. Now I am looking for the perfect female crew to join me on voyage.