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What is Clinical Hypnotherapy? It is a deep form of guided meditation to assist clients in healing, creativity, and spiritual growth. because of the words hypnotized and hypnosis. Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, is a method of inducing a trance or a dream-like state of deep relaxation in order to treat disorders of a mainly psychological or emotional origin.
It has been practiced in various forms for thousands of years by many cultures including Druid, Celtic and Egyptian. Clinical Hypnotherapy is shrouded in a fog of misconception. But it's really quite simple.
Clinical Hypnotherapy and Healing
Clinical Hypnotherapy works almost excessively in the subconscious mind. To get an understanding on how hypnotherapy operates, it's important to understand the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind
Underlying our awake-state and the rational conscious mind is the subconscious mind. By definition, we are not normally aware of this aspect of our being (sub means under). While we're busy going about our day, deeply engrossed in the conscious mind, the subconscious mind lies quietly beneath the surface.
It’s the home of the non-physical realms of the human experience. Some aspects include our dreams, intuition, creative ideas, imagination, and most importantly in the world of healing, our emotions.
In addition to what’s listed above, the subconscious mind also holds our perceptions. These perceptions are subconscious beliefs of who we think we are as people and how we think the world operates. In other words, whoever we think we are as people and however we think the world operates, quietly lives under the conscious mind in the subconscious. And many of those perceptions are formed when we're quite young.
Suppressed emotions
Human beings are designed for growth and experiencing life to the fullest. That includes all of our emotions. Pain, jealousy, anger, enthusiasm, joy, contentment, etc., are all part of the human experience.
When emotions are experienced fully, they dissipate. The problem arises when we avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions. We essentially put them in the closet to re-emerge at a later date…and they do, sometimes with vigor.
Unexperienced and unpleasant emotions can get suppressed into the subconscious mind without conscious knowledge or intention on our part. When that happens, they get stuck there. The subconscious mind will then continue to re-create uncomfortable circumstances in our lives, so the suppressed emotions can be experienced and live out their life cycles.
Repeating patterns
How do you know if you have suppressed emotions? (By the way, we all do.) The answer is simple...repeating patterns of pain. If you have difficult emotions repeating themselves in similar circumstances, regardless of the people you are dealing with, then it’s a suppressed emotion. There’s a suppressed emotion for almost every difficult life situation. It takes a certain amount of honest self-reflection to discover your repeating patterns, and then recognize them as inventions of your own subconscious mind.
Can clinical hypnotherapy heal suppressed emotion?
Yes. Suppressed emotion (and the patterns they create) can be released in hypnotherapy sessions when a client enters a deep state of relaxation. When the mind is deeply relaxed, the invisible protective barrier between the conscious and subconscious minds (called the Critical Faculty of the Mind) will let down. When the Critical Faculty is down, the subconscious mind is open. When the subconscious mind is open, numerous Clinical Hypnotherapy techniques can be implemented to produce desired results in healing.
What use is Clinical Hypnotherapy in healing?
Clinical Hypnotherapy can be used effectively wherever there is suppressed emotion and/or repeating patterns of suffering. In the three decades I have worked as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have helped clients with Abandonment, Unworthiness, Addictions, Asthma, Athletics, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Physical Pain, Weight Loss, Depression, Eating and Sleep Disorders, Forgiveness, PTSD, Stress, Death and Dying, Emotional Pain, Grief and Loss, Panic Attacks and Fear, Relationships and Family, Sexual and Physical Abuse, Career and Finances, Divorce, Major Life Changes, and Past Life Interference.
How do I know if Clinical Hypnotherapy works?
What does healing look and feel like? That’s a good question. After all, we’re not just doing this for entertainment. First and foremost is suffering stops. Your intended areas of healing improve. Anxiety attacks go away, relationships mend, problems with money vanish, health recovers, awareness increases. In short, you feel better. Life improves.
More specifically, the following is a list of things likely to occur the following week after a Clinical Hypnotherapy session.
Your condition improves
Coincidences / Synchronicity / “Magic”
Unresolved situations present themselves
Improved outlook on life
Increase in confidence
Feelings of being on your life path
Improved focus in life direction
You know what to do
Increased relaxation /well-being /less stress
Heightened awareness of senses
Increased creativity
Amplified feelings (love, anger, happiness, sadness, etc.)
Physical ailments relieved
Emotional symptoms disappear (depression, anxiety, phobias, etc.)
Vivid dreams
Increased energy, enthusiasm
On rare occasions, after an initial session, things may seem to get worse. This is usually a temporary experience. The subconscious mind is attempting to purge suppressed emotion. It's best for the client to stay as detached as possible, and just let it happen.
Your condition intensifies
Emotional symptoms increase (depression, anxiety, phobias, etc.)
Physical ailments get worse
You get sick
Does Clinical Hypnotherapy work for everyone?
No. In my observations of doing hypnotherapy for nearly three decades, it's obvious Clinical Hypnotherapy isn't for everyone. In my estimations, about 20% of the population naturally gravitate to hypnotherapy. It's not uncommon for these clients to experience miraculous breakthroughs, healings, and awakenings. One the other hand, about 20% have no inclination toward hypnotherapy whatsoever and will probably never use it throughout the course of their lives. The remaining 60% fall somewhere in between.
There are many contributing factors to why someone will or won't benefit from Clinical Hypnotherapy. Some of those factors may include personality type, past experiences, and all forms of conditioning (i.e. family, peer groups, education, religion, culture, society, and the media).
What is a Clinical Hypnotherapy session like?
Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions last about an hour and can be done in-person, over the phone, or on the internet. I start by talking to the client, to identify suppressed emotion and where they feel them in their body. The client then lies or sits in a comfortable position and I read a story to guide them into a deeply relaxed state.
The client remains awake and aware the entire time. It’s a little like dreaming while being awake. When the client is deeply relaxed, I use a variety of techniques to release subconsciously repressed pain. The sessions conclude by creating a positive emotion in the subconscious, to be lived out by the client in the future. Sessions tend to be deeply relaxing and profoundly insightful.